Couples: Investing in a Wedding Planner

I am eternally honest, so I am just going to say it - a wedding planner is an extra, a treat to yourself, something many believe they can do without… And i suppose they can. It is fairly obvious that a wedding can proceed without a planner, much like a wedding can proceed without a photographer, a band or DJ, or a florist, do you see where I am going with this? A wedding needs two people, desperately (we hope) in love and someone to marry them. Everything else is extra. The reason you have all the extras is to make your day exceptional. You have them to build sensational memories and use them to realise your vision and show the world who you are as a couple. Your wedding day is a testament to the life you are building together and potentially the largest party you will ever throw.

Having the experience and dedication of a wedding planner takes things to a whole new level. Sure, your venue has a set way of doing things, they’ve seen hundreds of weddings and know what works in that space, but sometimes that is all they see. Some venues are so set in their ways they miss obvious tweaks that could be made to change a standard wedding day into something more elegant, streamlined and frankly wowy! (Technical word there!) Your florist has done hundreds of marquees, and your marquee company only provides hoops for roof installations, so that all falls into place rather nicely, but what if you have someone to push for something else? Something that takes initiative, imagination and planning. Your band have a set time they want to set up, but this may be as you are in the middle of your wedding breakfast. A band lugging in the kit will interrupt everything, and kill the mood. So what if you have someone to manage the set-up, and go back and forth with the band to find a more logistically appropriate solution? Your wedding planner will, should, have worked with a huge number of different suppliers. The benefit of this is that they will ensure everything works for you and your suppliers. Happy suppliers mean a happy service, ensures happy guests, a happier couple and generally a smooth and more enjoyable day.

Now, I know budgets are tight, those purse strings are being pulled in all directions in life, let alone for your wedding. When this happens it is the extras that get cut, but, while hiring a professional could be considered expensive, imagine what an amateur supplier will cost you and what the result of that could be. One of my main jobs as your wedding planner is to manage the budget, not as a target but as an indication of expectation. 90% of the couples I work with have a budget, sure they vary, but that doesn’t mean the larger budgets can be ignored any more than the small budgets need to be managed.

Your wedding planner should know what is most important to you, what areas to focus that budget on and what areas need a little more or less. Investing in a wedding planner protects your money, your vision and frankly, your sanity.

The Planner

Wedding planner and wedding business consultant, no detail is too small when it comes to your vision.

Business: Consultancy for Our Generation