Business: Consultancy for Our Generation

This is another bolstering blog to let you know why you simply can’t do without The Planner if you are looking to develop your business. Obviously, we are biased, but genuinely, we can help. We’ve done it before, continue to and look forward to doing it again and again.

I am fully aware that “Business Consultancy” is almost considered outdated these days. The thought of some stuffy know-it-all with a briefcase coming in to tell you how to run your business is a little old hand and, I imagine, not what you’re after. I am also guessing, as you are here, that you are not interested in the latest online workbooks or “How to Improve your Business: A 999 Step Online Guide.” Well, I certainly don’t own a briefcase and have no interest in a “how to” for my business, muffins, yes, but not my business. As The Planner I am fully aware what needs to be done, but have a particular way of doing it that suits our generation of businesses and the world we now live in.

Firstly, it is worth noting that you simply will not find me talking about what people “normally” do. “Normal” is not what The Planner is and “normal” is not what your business needs.

As you will have gathered from The Planner’s business pages, our service “can provide, but is not limited to…” various elements which may, or may not, be relevant to your business. We have this to highlight those all important areas but to also remind you that we are here to work to your needs rather than make you work to our template. In a world of generic online guides and how to templates, I’m here to remind you business consultancy, specifically our brand of consultancy, is the most productive decision for your business. While online guides may be tangible, it doesn’t mean the results will follow as they simply don’t analyse your business and don’t offer particular and specific advice. You’re not just another…(fill in the blank) so don’t settle for generic.

consultancy /kənˈsʌlt(ə)nsi/
- noun -
  1. a professional practice that gives expert advice within a particular field.

Consultancy is communication.

A good conversation (over tea, or wine…) will allow me to determine how you like to work and what processes we should implement. Through our consultancy process we will talk to you, a lot, we will interact with you personally and professionally, we will implement the elements that will benefit you and won’t waste time making you change things that you are already nailing!

You hire The Planner to have access to our extensive knowledge of the wedding industry, our intuition and trend awareness and our up to date policies on marketing and sales processes that resonate with those all important couples. We know the results will be lasting because you have chosen the right tools to develop your business. The tools that will directly relate to your business while also considering the greater industry.

In this day and age it is easy to take the quickest or simplest route but as we have all seen, patching a hole doesn’t fix it. I totally understand that you want to solve your problems yourself, we all do, so as the background support to your greatness, we will provide professional advice to allow you to shine in the glory of your results.


Venue Consultancy New Business Supplier Consultancy

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wedding supplier, wedding business The Planner wedding supplier, wedding business The Planner

A note to the wedding supplier…

Dear You, whoever you are and whatever you do…

Dear Supplier, whoever you are and whatever you do,

I see you. I understand you.

Some people think it’s sooooo straightforward. You rock up to a wedding, do the same thing each time, well, HA! I know this not to be true.

Working as a supplier means competing with a whole load of other suppliers doing the same thing. The value of a service isn’t based upon what you do, but what is offered and how. Any Tom, Dick or Harry (no offence guys) can do it, but it’s how that makes the difference. You stand out for a reason, people book you for a reason, and we’re not talking “because you’re the cheapest,” I certainly hope you are not! There is a reason one photographer costs £800 while another costs £2,500, why a DJ can be £700 and another £4,000.

If you’re just starting out or need a push in the right direction I’ve got your back.
You may want to find a particular type of client, someone you want to work with rather than have to. Maybe you just want to charge more or your branding needs an update. Perhaps you’ve lost your voice, your message and you need a boost and some encouragement with a gentle helping of accountability.

I will be your sidekick, as a professional but also as a bride, a venue and a supplier!

Let’s get to work!


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